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Recommended browser for OPAC/ILL application
In Microsoft Edge (Chromium version) and Mozilla Firefox for Mac (earlier versions), the screen transitions may not work properly. Please use the recommended browser for OPAC.

OPAC off-hours
NU OPAC (included online library service) is not available within the following time period.

2:30 a.m. - 5:00 a.m.(Everyday)

Privacy Policy 
Personal Information that you filled in "Library Services" will be used to contact you from the library. It won't be used for any other purpose.

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Guide Sheet List
smileys:Search for books in Nagoya University(PDF)
smileys:Search for journals in Nagoya University(PDF)
smileys:Let's access to electronic journals(PDF)
smileys:Reserve Books That are Currently on Loan(PDF)


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