FAQ (★ is in preparation)
Floor guide
9. Other
Each library/departmental library is differet.
You may contact corresponding library/departmental library from the Libraries in NagoyaUniversity.Can I pay for copies with research funds?
I've searched but can't find a material.
9. Other
Also, have you entered the words in your search correctly?
The search results change if even a single character is different.
How many books can be borrowed?
9. Other
Use of materials in each library/departmental library is differet.
You may contact corresponding library/departmental library from the Libraries in NagoyaUniversity.How do I return books to the library if library closed?
9. Other
Use of materials in each library/departmental library is differet.
You may contact corresponding library/departmental library from the Libraries in NagoyaUniversity.Where do I check out and return books?
9. Other
Use of materials in each library/departmental library is differet.
You may contact corresponding library/departmental library from the Libraries in NagoyaUniversity.★Is there an OPAC site for mobile phones?
9. Other
★Can I get printouts from with my personal computer while in the library?
9. Other
Serial back issues
9. Other
Serial types
9. Other
Science journals: Serials that publish articles written by researchers
Annals: Periodically issued serials from universities, research institutes, etc.
General magazines: Serials such as hobby, news, and informational magazines
Newspapers: Publications covering domestic news, global news, news in specialized fields, etc.
Electronic journals: Digitized serials