FAQ (★ is in preparation)
How do I import book information from OPAC to EndNote basic?
- Method of directly importing book information from OPAC to EndNote basic
(A plugin must be downloaded before book information can be imported.)- Log in to EndNote basic.
* Users who do not have an account with EndNote are requested to register as users from "Account Registration." - Click [Options] -> [Download Plugin].
- If you use Internet Explorer or Safari as the browser, select "Download Windows Version" or "Download Macintosh Version" from CWYW (Cite While You Write), according to the operating system used on your computer, to download the plugin.
- If you are using Firefox as the browser
- Click "Download Windows/Macintosh Version" in Firefox Extensions to download the plugin.
- When a message prompting you to restart Firefox appears, restart Firefox.
- From the Firefox menu, click [Tools] -> [Add-ons] -> [Extensions]. Then, click [Options] of EndNote basic.
- Confirm that the pop-up check box is checked.
(If it is not, enter a check mark.)
- If you use Internet Explorer or Safari as the browser, select "Download Windows Version" or "Download Macintosh Version" from CWYW (Cite While You Write), according to the operating system used on your computer, to download the plugin.
- Log in to EndNote basic.
- Click "Book Management" on the bibliography search result list screen or bibliography details screen.
(The bibliography to be imported must be selected on the bibliography search result list screen.) - When the "Select Export Destination" pop-up appears, select "EndNote basic."
- The selected bibliography is imported to EndNote basic. (If you are not logged in to EndNote basic, a login screen appears. Log in by entering your e-mail address and password.)
Method without downloading a plugin
- Click "Output" on the bibliography search result list screen or bibliography details screen.
(The bibliography to be imported must be selected on the bibliography search result list screen.) - When the "Select the file output format" pop-up appears, select "RIS format."
- The file is downloaded. Save the file at an appropriate location on your computer.
- Log in to EndNote basic.
* Users who do not have an account with EndNote are requested to register as users from "Account Registration." - Click [Collect] -> [Reference Point].
- Click the [Browse] button in "File," and select the newly saved file.
- Select "RefMan RIS" for "Import Options."
- Specify the import destination folder in "Import Destination," and click the [Import] button.
- The selected bibliography is imported to EndNote basic.
* If "RefMan RIS" does not appear in "Import Options," click "Select Favorites," select "RefMan RIS," and click [Copy to My List] to add the file to My List.
EndNote basic help - importing references
EndNote basic operating environment (supported browsers) (Usaco)