FAQ (★ is in preparation)
How do I cancel a reservation?
Please refer to the following pages fordetails.
Guide Sheet List 6-2
What happens when materials become overdue or have borrowing restrictions?
Use of materials in each library/departmental library is differet.
You may contact corresponding library/departmental library from the Libraries in NagoyaUniversity.What is [Reserve Book] in the catalog search menu under the keyword input box on the [Bib Search] tab?
This function is not available in the Nagoya University Library.
What are the reviews displayed on the review list screen?
What are the tags displayed on the tag search screen?
You can search for a tag on the tag search screen to display a list of materials that have this tag.
Suppose you add a tag such as the following: "_____ seminar reference book" or "A must read for _____ class." Then, after a tag search, anyone can bring up the same list of materials.
For example, try clicking a tag in "New tags," "Recent tags," or "Popular tags." Then, materials that have these tags are displayed.

You can register tags on the search result list screen and the bibliography details screen.