FAQ (★ is in preparation)
OPAC is not operating normally. (OPAC recommended browsers and Notice)
0. Getting Started
Recommended browsers
For easy use of OPAC we recommend the latest versions of the following browsers:
- Internet Explorer 11
- Microsoft Edge
- Mozilla Firefox (equivalent to latest version)
- Google Chrome (equivalent to latest version)
- Safari10 (Mac X)
- Google Chrome (equivalent to latest version)
- Safari (equivalent to latest version)
These browsers do not operate normally with the following settings. Change these settings when applicable.
- Cookies setting: Disable
- Compatibility View setting: Enable (Internet Explorer)
- Referer setting: Disable
* If the Referer setting in your browser is Disable, the browser does not operate normally. After enabling Referer, access OPAC again.
* It is possible for the content to be displayed as follows when the compatibility view is turned on with Internet Explorer8.
- The column width of specific items in the bibliography details holdings list narrows drastically.
- A gray line borders each bibliography in the search result list.
What can I find with OPAC?
0. Getting Started
OPAC has tabs with various search targets. You can search for the following on the respective tabs:
- Nagoya Univ: Holdings (books and journals) of the Nagoya University
- Other Univ: Holdings (books and journals) of other university libraries in Japan
- NDL: All materials and digital collection in the National Diet Library, includes holdings of public libraris (NDL-Search)
- WorldCat: Items in libraries around the world
- Nagoya One Search: Search across multiple academic databeses
Depending on searching subject and material, you can switch to the necessary tab.
I would like to know how to use each database, how to find materials, and how to use the library effectively.
0. Getting Started
Search Guides (Library Website)
I'm looking for a material titled _____. How should I begin?
0. Getting Started
Please refer to the following pages for details.
Guide Sheet List 2-1