What kind of service is OPAC?
OPAC is the abbreviation for Online Public Access Catalog.
OPAC is not operating normally. (OPAC recommended browsers and Notice)
Recommended browsers
For easy use of OPAC we recommend the latest versions of the following browsers:
- Internet Explorer 11
- Microsoft Edge
- Mozilla Firefox (equivalent to latest version)
- Google Chrome (equivalent to latest version)
- Safari10 (Mac X)
- Google Chrome (equivalent to latest version)
- Safari (equivalent to latest version)
These browsers do not operate normally with the following settings. Change these settings when applicable.
- Cookies setting: Disable
- Compatibility View setting: Enable (Internet Explorer)
- Referer setting: Disable
* If the Referer setting in your browser is Disable, the browser does not operate normally. After enabling Referer, access OPAC again.
* It is possible for the content to be displayed as follows when the compatibility view is turned on with Internet Explorer8.
- The column width of specific items in the bibliography details holdings list narrows drastically.
- A gray line borders each bibliography in the search result list.
The pop-up blocker has appeared when I was doing confirmation of my status, making a reservation of books and applying for an inter library loan.

* The screenshot is Internet Explorer 9. Depending on your browser and version, the pop-up blocker may appear in different locations. For details, please see the help page of each browser.
The pop-up screen is used for all applications from OPAC, such as for book reservation, ILL services, or new arrival alert. Please disable pop-up blocker and accept pop-ups in your browser by following the method below. (The images of instruction is appropriate for Internet Explorer 9)
- Temporarily allowing the pop-up blocker
Click [Allow once] on the pop-up blocker notification bar.
(Depending on the browser version, select "Temporarily Allow Pop-ups.")
* In this case, the pop-up blocker will be enabled when you close the browser and start it again. You need to repeat the same procedure when you apply for book reservation or ILL service through the OPAC system.
- Always allowing the pop-up blocker
Click "Always allow" from [Options for this site] on the pop-up blocker notification bar.
(Depending on the browser version, click the notification bar, and select "Always Allow Pop-ups from This Site.")

* For Safari users, go to Security in the browser setting menu and leave the checkbox “Block Pop-up Windows” blank.
* If you are a Google Chrome user, please see here.
Now that the pop-up is enabled, repeat the procedure for your application from the beginning.
What can I find with OPAC?
OPAC has tabs with various search targets. You can search for the following on the respective tabs:
- Nagoya Univ: Holdings (books and journals) of the Nagoya University
- Other Univ: Holdings (books and journals) of other university libraries in Japan
- NDL: All materials and digital collection in the National Diet Library, includes holdings of public libraris (NDL-Search)
- WorldCat: Items in libraries around the world
- Nagoya One Search: Search across multiple academic databeses
Depending on searching subject and material, you can switch to the necessary tab.
I would like to know how to use each database, how to find materials, and how to use the library effectively.
Search Guides (Library Website)
I'm looking for a material titled _____. How should I begin?
Please refer to the following pages for details.
Guide Sheet List 2-1
What should I do if I know only the beginning of the title of the material?
Select one of them and click the [Search] button.
How do I search with an ISBN or ISSN (number)?
You can also perform a search from the advanced search screen by clicking the [Advanced Search] button on the Nagoya Univ] tab.
You can perform a search by filling in the ISBN/ISSN field.
ISBN (International Standard Book Number): This number identifies a book.
ISSN (International Standard Serial Number): This number identifies a serial.
What characters can I use with the [Nagoya Univ] tab?
On the Japanese-language pages, you can use Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana, and alphanumeric characters. For alphanumeric characters, you can enter uppercase and lowercase characters. Both single-byte and double-byte characters can be entered.
Searches of Arabic script, Devanagari script, African languages, and Southeast Asian languages
Searches can use the original spelling (with characters as they appear in materials). Searches can also use keywords converted into Roman alphabet letters using the ALA-LC Romanization Tables of the U.S. Library of Congress. Some materials are registered in Roman alphabet letters only. An index is created for them. So if the search has no hits with the original spelling, convert the keywords into Roman alphabet letters, and perform the search again.
How do I search for materials when I don't remember the title?
If your search returns too many hits, you can narrow it down with the [Classification] item from the [Refine Your Search] menu displayed on the left side of the search result list screen. In addition to using the classification item, you can also narrow down your search by material type, holding library, author, publication year, classification, subject, publisher, language, etc.
If the keyword search is unsuccessful, try using Search by Classification in the lower part of the [Nagoya Univ] tab.
For example, suppose you are searching for statistics-related materials. From Search by Classification, you can narrow down the search to the materials in the following fields by selecting and performing the search with
"4: Natural science -> 41: Mathematics -> 417: Probabilities. Mathematical statistics."
What should I do if I want to use a combination of multiple search conditions (such as one including x or y)?
You can perform the following three searches by entering multiple conditions in a single search field or filling in multiple search fields (logical operation).
Entering multiple search values in one search field (enabled on the basic search screen and advanced search screen)
Logical AND search: Search for materials that simultaneously satisfy two or more search valuesEntry method: Connect all search values with " " (blank space).Example: Search for materials containing both "Japan" and "America""Japan America"Logical OR search: Search for materials that satisfy any one of two or more search valuesEntry method: Connect all search values with "+" (plus sign).Example: Search for materials containing either "Japan" or "America""Japan+America"Logical NOT search: Search for materials that satisfy certain conditions and do not satisfy other corresponding conditionsEntry method: Connect all search values with "^" (caret).Example: Search for materials containing "Japan" but not "America""Japan^America"
Entering multiple search values in multiple search fields (enabled on the advanced search screen)
Logical AND search: Search for materials that simultaneously satisfy two or more search valuesEntry method: Enter search values in multiple fields, and select "AND" from the pull-down menu between the fields.Example: Search for materials containing "Japan" in the title and "Tokyo" in the author's nameTitle: Japan
Pull-down menu: ANDAuthor: TokyoLogical NOT search: Search for materials that satisfy certain items and do not satisfy other itemsEntry method: Enter search values in multiple fields, and select "NOT" from the pull-down menu between the fields.Example: Search for materials that contain "Japan" in the title and do not contain "Tokyo" in the author's nameTitle: Japan
Pull-down menu: NOTAuthor: Tokyo
Primary search items and secondary search items
The following search items are called primary search items. You can perform searches independently with their search values alone.
- Keyword
- Title
- Author
- Publisher
- Subject
- Review
- Tag
- Classification
- Bibliography ID
- Registration No.
- Material ID
- Call No.
The following search items are called secondary search items. You cannot perform a search with a secondary search item unless it is combined with at least one primary search item. The search screen displays * in front of the item names.
- Material type
- Holding library
- Publication year
- Country code
- Language code
- Location
- Material format
- Section
When I search for materials whose title starts with _____, or ends with _____.
There are two search methods: keyword search and literal search.
- The keyword search is a search method, which is aiming to seek materials containing the entered words (i.e., keyword).
The literal search is a search method, which is aiming to seek materials containing the entered letters (i.e., literal).
In the literal search, you can specify the following search methods.Search method Description Entry example Example of hit Exact match In searches only those materials, which are completely identical with order of entered letters. end end END End Right-hand trancation It searches only those materials, whose initial part is identical with the order of entered letters. end* ending Left/right truncation It searches only those materials, whose intermediary part is identical with the order of entered letters. *end* weekends Left-hand trancation It searches only those materials, whose backward part is identical with the order of entered letters. *end weekend - The following search items are common keyword search methods. If you would like to conduct a lliteral search with the folloing keyword search items, it is necessary to put "#" at the beginning of the search values.
Keyword search item- Title
- Author
- Publisher
- Subject
- Keyword
- For the following search items, a literal search is usually carried out.
Literal search item- Publication year (fill in the blank boxes instead of using */# symbols)
- Classification
- Country code
- Language code
- Registration No. (available only with right-hand trancation)
- Material ID (available only with right-hand trancation)
- Call No. (available only with right-hand trancation)
By using the literal search, you can set the following search conditions in details.Search method Entry example
(Item: Search value)Example of hit It searches materials that have a keyword "Japan" in the title Title: Japan History of Japan
Tales of Old Japan
America and JapanSearching for materials whose title is "Japan" Title: #Japan Japan Searching for materials whose title ends with "Japan" Title: #*Japan America and Japan
A Rebirth of Japan
What can I do using Advanced Search?
You can search for books you need by the following items on the advanced search.
- [ONLY Nagoya Univ tab]: means that the search item is enabled only when using [Nagoya Univ] tab.
- [Second Search Key]: means that you cannot perform a search only with the item. You need to add keywords in other items too.
- Search results, which are seemed to have nothing to do with keyword you entered, are sometimes hit.
Search Item | Description | Entry example: Searched material |
Material Type [Second Search Key] | Narrows down the type of material that is the search target. | All / Japanese Books / Non-Japanese books / Japanese Serials / Non-Japanese Serials |
Campus / Holding library [ONLY Nagoya Univ tab] [Second Search Key] | Narrow down the campus or holding library that is the search target. | Cent Lib / Higashiyama / Tsurumai / Letters / GSID / etc. |
Location [ONLY Nagoya Univ tab] [Second Search Key] | First, you need to select the holding library. After that you can choose the location in that library from the pull-down menu. | Example: Cent Lib 3F(Cent Lib) Materials located in the third floor in the Central Library |
Keyword | Searches for all items of the titles, author's name, and subjects. The number of hits may be very large. | Example 1: Japan△Edward△politics Materials containing "Japan", "Edward" and "politics" somewhere in registered information. Example 2: Japan+politics Materials containing "Japan" OR "politics" somewhere in registerd information. Example 3: Japan^politics Materials containing "Japan", but not "politics" in registered information. Example 4: #politics in Japan Materials whose at least one between titles, author's name and sujects contain the phrase "politics in Japan" Example 5: #*politics in Japan Materials whose at least one between titles, author's name and subjects ends the phrase "politics in Japan" |
Title | Searches for a title, serial name, series name, etc | Example 1: education in Japan / education Japan Materials containing "education", "in" and "Japan" in titles. Example 2: #education in Japan Materials whose title is "education in Japan" Example 3: #*education in Japan* Materials containing the phrase "education in Japan" in titles. |
Author | Searches for an author, editor, translator, original author, etc | Example 1: Margaret Smith / Smith, Margaret Works by authors whose name contain "Margaret" and "Smith". (Not always one authors name has both first and family name) Example 2: #*Margaret Smith* Effective to search for works by the specific author "Margaret Smith". (If you enter "#Margaret Smith", the works by more than one authors are not hit) Example 2: #Mich* Works by authors whose first name or family one starts from "Mich". Michael, Michaël, Michelet, etc. Example 4: 夏目漱石 When typing with Kanji, you can search for authors name with no blank between first and family name. (Need blank between them when typing with Hiragana, Katakana and Alphabet) |
Publisher | Searches for a publisher. | Example 1: University Press Materials whose publisher's name contains "University" and "Press"(No need to enter "Inc."/"Ltd."/any words specified) Example 2: #University Press Materials whose Publisher's name are "University Press" |
Publication year [Second Search Key] | Searches with the specified publication year. | Example 1: 2006 to 2006 Materials published in 2006 Example 2: 2006 to 2016 Materials published from 2006 to 2016 Example 3: 2006 (in a left box) Materials published after 2006 Example 4: 2006 (in a right box) Materials published before 2006 |
Subject | Searches with the registed word expressing the subject of the material. | Example 1: Library information science Materials whose any of registed subjets contain "Library", "Information" and "Science" |
Classification | Searches using classification systems which categorize books by each subjects. Enter the number directly, or click the [Ref] botton on the right side of the input field. You can slect classification system commonly used in the world, such as DCC, LCC, etc. | Exaple 1: 311 Materials which have classification number 311 Example 2: NDC9 0* Materials categorized 3 "General" in the NDC 9th edition. |
ISBN/ISSN | Searches with the specified international standard book number(ISBN) or international standard serial number(ISSN). | Example 1: 4881357611 Books which has ISBN "4-88135-761-1"(No need to enter the hyphen "-") Example 2: 13407287 Serial Material which has ISSN "1340-6297"(No need to enter the hyphen "-") |
Code | Searches with the specified numbers and IDs of various codes. Select one of the code types from the pull-down menu, and enter the code in the right field. ・LCCN(LC card number) ・NBN(national bibliography number) ・NDLCN(NDL card number) ・NDLPN(NDL periodical number) ・FID(Family number) ・OTHN(other numbers) | |
Country Code [Second Search Key] | Search with the specified publicaton country code. Click [Ref.] button on the right side of the input field. Next, check the box of the Publication country code and click [Select] button, or enter the code directly. | Example: gw Materials published in Germany(Both lowercase and uppercase characters are available) |
Language Code [Second Search Key] | Search with the specified title or language code of the text. Click [Ref.] button on the right side of input field. Next, check the boxes of the language code and click [Select] button, or enter the code directly. | Example: epo Materials written in Esperanto |
NCID | ID for books, used by CiNii | Example: BB18814148 A book that has ID "BB18814148" |
Bibliography ID [ONLY Nagoya Univ tab] [Second Search Key] | Seach with the specified bibliography code ID assigned to a bibliography record. | Example: YB03064036 The material that has the bibliography ID "YB03064036" |
Material ID [ONLY Nagoya Univ tab] | Search with the specified material ID that is a unique identification number given to each book. | Example:0123456789 The material that has ID "0123456789" |
Call No. [ONLY Nagoya Univ tab] | Call Number is a unique code given to each book in the library and its label is put on the book spine. The books are arranged on the shelves in order by that call number. | Example: 010.7||N Materials that have call number "010.7||N"(Uppercase and lowercase characters are distinguished) |
Material format [ONLY Nagoya Univ tab] | Searches with the material type specified from the pull-down menu. | Example: movie Audio-visual materials |
Can I use only Roman characters to search Japanese language materials?
By adding the "$" in front of the keyword written in Roman characters, OPAC automatically convert them into Katakana characters to perform a search.
- Writing in the official romanization system, also known under the name Kunrei-siki, and the Modified Hepburn system is supported.
- The Roman alphabet doesn't correspond to the long vowel character. For example, please enter "$kiwado" not "$kîwâdô" when you want to get the same result in the "キーワード."
- _ means a blank.
Entry example | Search results | Example of search results |
$genji | It will be shown the same search results in the keywords "ゲンジ" (genji in katakana). | 源氏世界の文学 源氏物語の人と心 源氏物語の世界 |
$syamisen+$wahuu | It will be shown the same search results in the keywords "シャミセン+ワフウ"(syamisen+wahuu in katanaka). | 玉菊とその三味線 和風 和風と洋式 |
$nihon_$amerika | It will be shown the same search results in the keywords "ニホン_アメリカ"(nihon_amerika in katanaka). | 日米関係キーワード アメリカの心・日本の心 日米同盟 |
★What if I want to find out whether a neighborhood library, bookstore, or somewhere else has a book not available at the university?
I found a book on OPAC, but I don't know its location on the bookshelves.
An image of the call number label appears by hovering the mouse over this link.
This image corresponds to the label on the book.
Most books are organized by the call number as a method to group like subjects together on shelves.
You can think of a call number as a book's address on the shelf. They tell you where the books is located in the library. Please be sure to write it down and search for the book.
What should I do if the materials found with OPAC are already loaned out?
Books that are currently out on loan can bereserved. (Reservation from website may not be available in some departmentallibraries.)
Please refer to guide-sheet for details.
Guide Sheet List 6-2What if I want to use materials from a neighborhood public library?
It is possible to order from Aichi Prefectural Library, Nagoya City Library, municipal libraries in Aichi Prefecture.
What should I do if I want to use materials from a different university library?
You can visit other university libraries, or order the copy of an article or the book from other university libraries.
Please refer to the following pages for details:
・Interlibrary Loan
There is an article that I want to obtain but haven't found it. How can I obtain it?
You can apply for request of either books or articles which Nagoya University does not hold from Nagoya University OPAC screen.
Please refer to the following pages for details: Interlibrary Loan