FAQ (★ is in preparation)
How do I search OPAC from the accelerator?
9. Other
Long-term loan
9. Other
Use of materials in each library/departmental library is differet.
You may contact corresponding library/departmental library from the Libraries in NagoyaUniversity.Lost books
9. Other
Use of materials in each library/departmental library is differet.
You may contact corresponding library/departmental library from the Libraries in NagoyaUniversity.I want to borrow a book but forgot to bring my student card (library card).
9. Other
This policy prevents anyone impersonating you from borrowing books. Your understanding is appreciated.
What if I can't find a book that hasn't been loaned out or I can't find an issue of a journal in the library's collection?
9. Other
- Someone else in the library is using the book or journal.
- The book is in the new books area.
- The book is so large that it is placed on the bottom shelf.
- Library clerks are processing the returned book or journal.
- The book or journal is currently being bound.
- The previous user did not return the book or journal to its proper location.